
slow and steady wins the race

{it all starts with a drawing}

  In the past I wouldn't have categorized myself as a slow and steady wins the race type of person.  I wanted immediate results and now I clearly see, it's because I was doing projects that I really didn't love.  I was writing recipes and menus for clients and scheduling talks, and I always had this sense of wanting to get it over with as fast as possible, so I could get back to what I really wanted to be doing....sketching, creating, designing.  I always had this sense of anxiety and alarm inside of me.  And now, it's simply not there anymore.   It seems, now that I'm doing what I actually love, I'm willing to put in the time it takes to make it just right.  This is the beginning of one of my larger projects.  I've done all the work myself, so it takes time.  This is the bottom section of what will soon be a floor to ceiling bookcase.  I'm looking forward to having more build time in a few weeks.  My hands are itching to get dirty!  I'll keep you posted, thanks for reading. :)

the last 9 months of my life

Hey you! & thanks for reading my blog.  It's been almost a year since I last posted.  I'm so happy to be back!  When I wrote last September, my life was cRaZy!  I had just given up my old business in pursuit of my true passion.  Design, Creating, my love, my heart song.  All I wanted was to wash my slate clean and start over but I had so many doubts.  I am so glad that I didn't let them get me down. Note: When you're in the flow with your truest self, your purest joy, the waters have a way of magically parting and carving you out a new path.  Hallelujah!

Last you heard from me I was living in NY and nowwwww I am living in the country in Western Massachusetts & I LOVE it here!  I love it in a way I never ever imagined myself loving it.  I am where I am supposed to be and every cell in my body knows it.  I have yet to decide if it's because of the physical location change or the fearless leap I made into my new design business and souls calling that's got me feeling this way.  I think it's a little bit of both.

Here's the quick and beautifully serendipitous story.

About 4 years ago my husband and I came here for a visit, fell in love with this Little House on the Prairie style school for our daughter, but there was just no way my husband would ever be able to find a chef job here that would be in alignment with his style & soul....and that fulfillment is a #1 priority for us.  We gave up the dream, but still held the fantasy in our minds.  Cut to 4 years later.  We come back as a family to visit our friends from NY who bought a solar powered home in a new community,  just 1 town over from the school we fell in love with years earlier.  We fell in love, again.  We started hard core fantasizing about having a solar home of our own, sending our daughter to the school, me having a studio to create my art, build things and all we needed was a kick ass job for my husband.  Cut to, 1 month later, late night, craigslist.  I see a job posting 100% in alignment with who my husband is, farm to table, delicious, simple yet sexy food.  Next day, husband called.  Cut to- Husband, HIRED.  Can we say co-manifesting the life of our dreams!!!  AmEn!

I am grateful for this opportunity in a way that makes my soul buzz.  I feel lit up.  I feel on fire.  I feel 100% in alignment with me.  For the last 9 months I have done nothing but love my family, myself and CrEaTe.  CREATE.  CREATE.  I have been creating since I was born, it's in my blood, hard core, it's been all around me forever...yet for some reason a few years ago I just stopped.  I've never felt so out of wack....my poor family having to deal with me that whole time.  :)  Unconditional love, thank you.

I know no other high so pure than that of when I am creating.  I told myself, how can I possibly go wrong if I just simply allow myself to BE who I am.  I am here to learn, grow and share who I am.  Sharing me means, creating things, making rooms pretty and people happy in the process.  Everything I make has the intention of bringing a little sunshine to peoples lives.  I am a happy, passionate, headboard, rug, bed frame, pillow, desk, table, bookshelf makin' fool and proud of it!  This is just a little taste of what I've been up to.  There is so much more to come!  Thank you for being a part of my journey!
