A Mara Hoffman weekend :)

Hey all you lovelies!  It's been a while since we last spoke.  I always like to wait until I have something really good to say, rather than just bombard you with random posts.  And my experience this past weekend is certainly blog-post worthy.  My 8 year old goes to this incredible school where she gets to choose a subject each semester that she wants to study....rather than has to study.  It's been a pretty wide variety of subjects over the past 2 years and this semester she has chosen to study fashion.  I called up an old friend of mine who works for a really, super talented designer named Mara Hoffman and not only did she agree to have my daughter over to the studio to interview them on "a day in the life of a designer" but she also gave us tickets to come and see their show this past weekend at Fashion Week in NYC!  Such a fun experience.  The clothes were absolutely stunning.  Her collections tend to be very tribal and inspired by her travel and wow, they are absolutely amazing.  You can actually view the full show here to see just what I mean.  Click here to view the show.  I've given you a screen shot of my personal favorites below! Talk to you soon!


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